
Adding Fields

How can I add my own fields to the calendar?


You can show fields from your own table(s) in two places in the calendar: on the main calendar views (like Day, Week, and Month), and in the event detail popover (what you see when you click on an event).

Here's an overview of how to change some of the display attributes:

You can also send users to your own event's layout when they click on an event, instead of using our webviewer popovers. Learn more here: your own event layouts.

Main calendar views (like Day, Week, Month, etc.)

When you integrated the calendar you created a field in your events table called "DBk_EventSummaryCalc". Edit the definition of that field to include additional fields in the calendar, even including fields from related records like contacts as we do in our Sample Events table.
You can include as many fields here as you'd like, just know that the "deeper" looks among your relationships, the slower the calendar will be at retrieving this data from FileMaker. So if you only use fields from your events table, it will be pretty fast. If you include related fields it will slow down slightly but related fields are so useful everyone uses them (the contact's phone number in our example is a related field). If you include summary fields or summary calcs it can really slow down.
Note that the separator between values is currently a pipe "|". You can change that by editing the "Load Calendar Settings - On Startup" script and modifying the value under the section "# When showing events in one line or block..." to the separator of your choice.

The event detail popover (what you see when you click on an event)

When you click on an event in the calendar, the fields you see there are determined in another field you added to your events table, "DBk_WebViewerSource".
This field has a specific list of fields it expects and editing this field's definition involves finding the best match for each possible field in your table. For example, you may not have events linked to contacts so you'd use something like
contactID = DBk_Unused ;
instead of
contactID = id_contact ;
"DBk_Unused" is another of the fields you added in when you integrated the calendar and you can use that for any attribute here where you don't have a corresponding value. The date and time fields are required, so are the summary and the "id" which should be the primary key of your table. You can use "DBk_Unused" for the others, but we recommend you consider including a few others...
Status: this is the field by which we color code your events. Now this may not be a "status", it could be a division with your company, or a process, but color coding by some field is cool. Note that the variable name will always read "status" in this calc. You can change the word "status" in the calendar's display by editing the translation file--which is easier than it sounds. =)
Resource: this is the field that becomes a column on the calendar's "Resource" view. Again, resources may be sales people, trucks, or barbershop chairs. If you have a resource that folks compete for in your business, this is where you map that. This is a very powerful way to look at your events (and to make sense of a dense calendar) so read up on resources here.

Can I add more fields to the popover?

Yes. As of version 10.0 you can add additional fields to the popover. This is great for folks with more complex events of for required fields that need to be filled in before an event can be created.

Can I remove fields from the popover?

Removing fields is described here under the heading "What Are My Options for Changing How the Popover Looks & Behaves?"

Can I add icons to the event, like a caution icon for urgent events?

You can do this pretty easily on Mac, and it looks pretty cool. Here's an overview. We don't have a way to do this on Windows yet.

Changing Fields Per Tab

Can I show different fields on some views of the calendar?

Yes! The section above describes editing the field you created in your events table called "DBk_EventSummaryCalc". Instead of just listing fields there, you can include IF statements that change the value of your display depending on the calendar's modes (modes are what we call "views" like "week view"). For example, instead of this line...
desc = Description ; // your event's description or notes field could do this:
desc = If( $$sc_Mode = "Day" ; Left ( Contacts::Notes ; 50 ) & "... " & Description ; Description ) ; // your event's description or notes field
That would show the first 50 characters of any notes you have on the related contact on the Day view where you have a bit more horizontal room for each event.
For reference, you can find a list of possible values for the $$sc_Mode variable here: modes in the calendar.
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