
Notes And Attachments

Notes and Attachments Work Together

Notes and Attachments are attached to all modules in SeedCode Complete. They provide a great way of capturing miscellaneous data about an entity as well as a place to attach external files and images and give them so context.


Since Notes are an important part of Complete they have a few extra features. The portals can be sorted by descending or ascending modification time. This is done by the old Hidden Panel trick where you have two portals each with a different sort. Clicking the sort button toggles you between the two views.

Notes also has a "Detail" view which uses the List function to create an inline view of all the note content without the constraints of a portal. This view also highlights any keywords found when filtering notes.

Editing and Uploading

Like with other parts of Complete, Notes can be edited and deleted in a dedicated modal EditMode.

This is also where attachments can be uploaded to the selected note.

Email Note

You can an e-mail a note as well from edit mode with one attachment (native FileMaker only allows one, so we send the most recently uploaded or selected one.

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