
Version History

What is the latest build of SeedCode Complete.

The Latest Build of the new FM15 version of Complete is Build 4.57 (September 6, 2019).

This gets the DayBack Calendar up to the latest version of 10.55, which includes long time scales, more mobile views, a Redesigned sidebar header, Event Actions, and many other new features and bug fixes. It also fixes a couple of interface bugs in Complete.

To make this change in your copy of DayBack, visit the Settings tab of the calendar and click "Account Settings", then click "Check for Updates". Then, follow the instructions in DayBack's Version History page to apply any required script updates, from the DayBack build you're currently on, to the latest.

Changes to Complete

Fixing the calendar color calc in Contacts and Projects.

Navigate to Contacts, click the Calendar tab and enter layout mode.
Select the Edit Box under the "ContactEvents" portal set the "Display data from" option to "ContactEvents::z_sc_ColorCalc
Navigate to Projects, click the Calendar tab and enter layout mode.
Select the Edit Box under the "ProjectEvents" portal set the "Display data from" option to "ProjectEvents::z_sc_ColorCalc

Fixing the Select Project Company text.

On the Set Variable step on line 12 of the "Select Project Company" script, change the variable "$$sc_companySelectorMessage" to "$$sc_companySelectorText"

After you've successfully updated the calendar, you'll want to update the BuildNumber calculation in the main file. To do that, open up your SeedCodeComplete file and go to Database Manager (File -> Manage -> Database), then select the "Fields" tab. In the top drop-down, select the "Home" table. Double-click the BuildNumber field and change the top number in the calculation to 4.56. You can also add the following below the /* comment line if you'd like:

    4.57           1) Upgrade to latest DayBack (10.55)
                   2) Misc. Bug Fixes

Build 4.56 (August 3, 2018).

This gets the DayBack Calendar up to the latest version of 10.34, which includes our new Analytics feature. It also includes adding a script to fix an issue where linked milestones were not updating.

To make this change in your copy, visit the Settings tab of the calendar and click "Account Settings", then click "Check for Updates". Then, follow the instructions in DayBack's Version History page to apply any required script updates, from the DayBack build you're currently on, to the latest.

To apply the fix for the linked events, download this file and copy the "Refresh Linked Events" script to your SeedCodeCompleteCalendar file. Then, add a 'Perform Script ["Refresh Linked Events"]' script step to your "Submit Event From WebViewer" script as shown in the screenshot below:

After you've successfully updated the calendar, you'll want to update the BuildNumber calculation in the main file. To do that, open up your SeedCodeComplete file and go to Database Manager (File -> Manage -> Database), then select the "Fields" tab. In the top drop-down, select the "Home" table. Double-click the BuildNumber field and change the top number in the calculation to 4.56. You can also add the following below the /* comment line if you'd like:

    4.56           1) Upgrade to latest DayBack (10.34)
                   2) Fixed dependent milestones

Build 4.55 (June 28, 2017) This doesn't change anything in Complete per se, but brings the DayBack Calendar up to the latest version of 10.03. To make this change in your copy, visit the Settings tab of the calendar and click "Account Settings", then click "Check for Updates".

After you've successfully updated the calendar, you'll want to update the BuildNumber calculation in the main file. To do that, open up your SeedCodeComplete file and go to Database Manager (File -> Manage -> Database), then select the "Fields" tab. In the top drop-down, select the "Home" table. Double-click the BuildNumber field and change the top number in the calculation to 4.55. You can also add the following below the /* comment line if you'd like:

4.55 1) Upgrade to newest DayBack (10.03)

Click OK in both open windows and the Main page will refresh.

Build 4.54 (March 3, 2017) This build adds location and tag fields to the To-Do List source. These were added to DayBack in 9.94 but were not included in Complete's To-Do list by mistake. The fields aren't used in ToDos yet, but the calendar is looking for them under the hood and may throw an error. To make this change in your copy of Complete, open the Calendar and define two new fields in the ToDo list table: Location and Tags. Then navigate to the Calendar's Source No 1 layout and head to the "Resouces & More" tab in layout mode: copy all the layout elements surrounding the Location and DBk_Tags fields. Now head to the Source No 2 layout and paste those layout elements on to the Resources tab. Double click on the location field and point it "Location" in the ToDo list table (moving it away from the events table). Do the same with the tags field, selecting "Tags" from To-Dos. That's it: just be sure to run the calendar's "Upon Opening" script to see your changes take effect.

Build 4.53 (December 30, 2016) This doesn't change anything in Complete per se, but brings the DayBack Calendar up to the latest version of 9.94. To make this change in your copy, visit the Settings tab of the calendar and click "Account Settings", then click "Check for Updates".

Build 4.52 (August 15 , 2016) This update adds the ability to add phases at the project level as well as some bug fixes. It also brings the Dayback Calendar up to the latest version of 9.81.

For customers with version 4.50 who are upgrading to 4.52, please visit the forum post here to get a detailed list of the changes.

Build 4.50 (December 8 , 2015) This major update replaces the original Complete calendar with a tightly integrated version of DayBack Calendar for Pro and Go (WebDirect users will still be using the original Complete calendar). We're very psyched about this update and you can learn more here: Complete now includes DayBack Calendar.

For customers with version 4.37 who are upgrading to the DayBack calendar, we have detailed integration instructions here.

This build also fixes some bugs and issues introduced with FM14. To see these changes between 4.37 and 4.50, please visit the forum post here.

The upgrades to the DayBack Calendar are independent from the bug fixes, so it doesn't matter which one of the above is done first.

Build 4.37 (March 16 , 2015) This build fixes several small bugs, mostly in scripts.

Detailed instructions on making these changes for 4.37 are over on our forums here.

Build 4.35 (December 18 , 2014) One small bug missed in 4.34

Fixed a script pasting error in script "Open Project Record In Calendar".

Detailed instructions on making these changes for 4.34 and 4.35 are over on our forums here.

Build 4.34 (December 18 , 2014) This build fixed a number of small items...

Repaired a thumbnails for WebDirect stacking issue.
Removed the Commit Record Script Step from the "Inventory On Record Load" script.
Corrected hove text for companies' Navigation Button on Items and Settings Layout.
Corrected bugs where editing a Contact Event can update unrelated project events as if they were linked.

Detailed instructions on making these changes for 4.34 and 4.35 are over on our forums here.

Build 4.29 (December 8 , 2014). This a Major new build introducing a number of new features.

New features include:

Fully Transactional with a modal EditMode
Animated Navigation On Mac and FMGo
Preview Badges allowing you to preview data from anywhere
WebDirect Compatible for extending your deployment
Reports Module for keeping tabs on your data
Themes For easily modifying the look and feel of the files.

Older versions have build numbers through 3.11 and those can be found here.

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