Edit Appointments
The Edit Window Seems Locked, How Can I Edit that Layout?
When you arrive at the Edit Appointment mini window during the creation or edit of an appointment, you're visiting the layout inside of a paused script. Accordingly, you can't enter layout more, or do much of anything, until you leave the screen.
So, if you want to edit this layout you have to enter layout mode from one of the other screens, like the Daily View. Run the "Show Status Area" script first so that you can see the tools in the left hand status area and then enter layout mode. Once there you can use the layout list (a little pill of a button towards the top of the status area below the "pencil" icon) to scroll to the "Mini Window Edit Appointment" layout. Once there you can edit the layout as if it were any other FileMaker Pro Layout.
How Can I Add More Tabs to the Edit Window?
Very simply. Select the tab control by clicking about 1/8 of an inch below and to the left of the right edge of the grey rectangle surrounding the rightmost tab. You'll know you hav eit selected when all 4 corners of the tab control get their handlebars. Then select "Unlock" from FileMaker's arrange menu. At this point double clicking in the same place will bring up the Tab Control Setup window where you can create additional tabs or remove / rename the existing ones.
If you’d like to make the “More” tab your default, simply move the small field in the “Basic Data Entry” tab from there to a similar place on the “More’” tab. You may have to drag-select it as objects in tab headers can be hard to click on.
How Can I Create Muti-Day or Repeating Appointments?
Multi-Day Appointments
To create appointments that span more than one day, simply click on the "more" tab on the mini window where you create the appointment. There, to the right of the Start Date, you'll see an End Date field. For more information, see Event Duration.
Repeating Appointments
Click on the "more" tab on the mini window where you create the appointment. You'll see a checkbox labeled "repeating" in the same section as the appointment's dates. Click that checkbox and you'll be taken to a new window that shows you the options for creating a repeating event...

You can select from any number of repeating options; the options visible when you click "continue" will be save to the appointments record and you'll be returned to the Edit Appointment mini window. Once there, you'll have to click "continue" again to confirm the creation or edit of the appointment: your repetitions will be created at this time and you'll be presented with a list of the repetitions.
Each repetition is its own, unique record in your calendar so you can edit them individually, adjusting dates or statuses as needed.