Version History
What is the Latest Version of CC Hierarchy?
Latest Version The latest version of the Pro CC Hierarchy is 3.62 (8/25/2006). This version fixed a bug in the Project List Example and one in partitioning. You can find instructions for making this change in your copy here:
The latest Free Version is 3.41, the original release version.
Version 3.61 (8/01/2006). This version simply changed the logo and contact-us information from Cleveland Consulting to SeedCode.
Version 3.6 (2/16/2006) changes a couple calcs to work better with very long hierarchies that make use of partitions and privilege set filtering. Instructions for making these changes in your copy can be found here.
Version 3.5 (11/6/2005) This version changed 3 scripts that were inadvertendly set to run with Full Access. This caused a problem when using the Privilege Set filtering aspect of the Pro Hierarchy. Instructions for fixing these scripts in your copy of CC Hierarchy Pro can be found here.
Version 3.4 Version 3.4 was our inaugural release of 8/29/2005. 3.41 simply changes the logo and contact-us information from Cleveland Consulting to SeedCode.